Jess - Remedial & Relaxation Massage
Wonderful Jess has 10 years massage experience, and has kind and courteous customer service skills.
Treatments available: Seated shoulder/mini back massage from 10 minutes per person, table massage from 20 minutes to 90 minute top to toe per person.
Seniors care massage also available.
Minimum visit: 2 hours per location

Michaela - Naturopath / Remedial & Relaxation Massage
Michaela's massages are intentional and caring. If you'd also like naturopathic/nutrional advice for your team please contact us.
Treatments available: Seated shoulder/mini back massage from 10 minutes per person, table massage from 20 minutes to 90 minute top to toe per person.
Seniors care massage also available.
Minimum visit: 2 hours per location